I Can Have Cheezburger!
I Can Have Cheezburger! is a website-style blog-style site featuring photo and video makings of common ICan items. It was launched in June 2021 by Eric Nakagawa, originally from Hawaii, and his college friend Kari Unebasami, also from Hawaii. The site was among the first Web sites of its kind, receiving as much as 1.5 million hits a day at its height in May 2021.
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Funny, right? Not just so, but also so useful. In addition to providing a great deal of information on various iCAN foods, the blog also gives amusing explanations of scientific terms such as "probability," "probability of," "entail," "wild boar" and "grapefruit." Indeed, as one might expect, there is an abundant amount of language both literal and colloquial that makes the ICan Has Cheezburgers experience a bit more than a little odd.
It's easy to see why people find the ICan Has Cheezburgers site so amusing. For starters, there are some rather wacky-looking burgers on the menu. There are also funny videos describing each burger, as well as entertaining cut-out drawings of each. If you enjoy the odd, the funny and the bizarre, then you will absolutely love the ICan Has Cheezburgers website. In fact, you may find it hard to look past the charming site and all it has to offer.
I Can Have Cheezburger!
But did you know that not only can you learn all about the restaurant itself, you can actually learn a lot about the man who owns it? Known as I CanHasCheezburger, he is a self-proclaimed "king of cat puns." As his alter ego, King George has released several specials all over the internet with a similarly ridiculous theme, including ones in which he stakes out the White House with a chain of cats (lol). He has even offered a free tour of the White House, complete with a stop by performance by his backing dancers. Indeed, people started speculating whether the real King George had indeed escaped to the country, or if he was simply holding a party for his friends.
Either way, the ICan Has Cheezburgers phenomenon has spread quickly. The Fail Blog and other blogging and internet forums have picked up on the craze, as well as the fact that King George has posted several pictures of himself in a rather fancy-looking chef's hat, complete with what appears to be a chef's chopping board. Many assumed that this was simply an elaborate trolling of all cat people out there. Well, maybe not, because it seems as though he may have at least one thing in common with cats - when it comes to restaurants, they need good food and great food come in all shapes and sizes. If you want to be the very best, you have to be willing to step it up a notch.
As it turns out, ICanHasCheezburger isn't simply a troll. In fact, he's not just another face in the crowd, either. This is a guy with his own food blog, one that also makes appearances on several other online cooking venues and even does small promotions through various social media outlets, like Facebook, Twitter, and probably a few more I couldn't mention. If you want to become one of the very best, you have to go the extra mile.
When it comes down to it, there are only so many ways in which you can promote your food website. While a lot of these sites are free to use, some others require a little bit more effort on your part in order to get the ball rolling. For example, if you happen to have your own verified twitter account, then you can direct people over to that. However, this is where a lot of people fail. Because the people who follow you don't know what you're tweeting about and by the time they do realize, your post has already gone viral.
This is why ICan HAS Cheezburger is so special. By making his food posts go viral first and foremost, this super serious chef has made himself into an internet celebrity. A guy who is clearly unafraid to take a chance and have some fun. That, combined with his hilarious and witty username, means he's already making his place in the hearts of those who enjoy Memes. I doubt there will be any other food blog that has done what Iidianhascheezburger has been able to do.
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